Monday, June 15, 2009

Twilight - Just another lousy teen movie?

For all Twilight fans. Or not.

Whether you like Twilight or not, if you've both read the books and seen the movie then you are welcome go through my list of what I thought were the shortcomings of the movie.

Do not be confused between mistakes and shortcomings. For technical mistakes and goof-ups, visit sites like IMDB where you can get a more than satisfactory list of them. My only purpose here is to highlight what, IN MY OPINION, the movie lacked .. and WHY I think it sucked.

Robert Pattinson = Hot.
Edward Cullen = HOT.
Robert + Edward = An ugly too-fair freakazoid.

When Bella's made to say "Purple's cool" what are those guys playing at? Instead of adding silly, random, UNNECESSARY lines like that, they could give more time to the important scenes.

Wasn't everybody supposed to know about Bella's arrival and be excited about it? And wasn't every single person in the school supposed to know that Bella was supposed to arrive? Then why is it, that when she first parked her truck, NOBODY noticed her or even talked among each other about her..?

When Tyler says "Nice Ride" he IS trying to be nice, right? Cuz everybody is supposed to be in love with Bella on the first day. Well, if he WAS trying to be nice .. then why did the girl next to him say 'good one' and then laugh?

So who knew Eric would turn out to be 'chinky looking' ? And, fine .. he WAS supposed to be chep .. but nobody said anything about him acting gay.

"La Push, baby; La Push." ..
"Chillax" ...
"I got your back, baby" ..


Mike Newton: "What's up Arizone, huh? How you liking the rain *girl*? Better get used to it, *girl*".
WHAT is with his whole 'GIRL' thing? Are they trying to portray him as retarded?!

Isn't Angela supposed to be nice and sensible? She seemed as giggly and A-crowd as Jessica. "Maybe he'll adopt me" .. WHAT?

THEY didn't put the 'part-albino joke'. That was ONE worthwhile joke in the book, but NO they HAD to skip it. Its like what they did in HP and the Order of the Phoenix. They took out the 'accio brain' part :(.

Jacob has teeth more like a vampire than Edward. LOLeshwar?

Nikki Reed just wasn't a good enough choice for Rosalie. Whatever happened to the "most beautiful girl ever" thing? Reed looks good otherwise, but as Rose, she looks stupid, fat and VERY ugly.

Edward doesn't need to breathe right? Then in the bio class scene when Bella walks in, WHY does he hold his nose and pretend like its so hard to breathe? If Pattinson was a good enough actor, the fact that her smell almost caused him to kill her could be portrayed merely be facial expressions. His hand covering his nose part wouldn't have been required. Also, he just looked ugly because he did that.

When Edward introduces himself, WHY is he asking a question?
"Hello? I didn't get a chance to introduce myself? I'm Edward Cullen?"

THE GOLDEN ONION? I can't even comment on this.

"You're asking me about the weather?" is what Bella says as if she can't believe her eyes and ears. OMG, how the hell can somebody ask me about the weather?

She doesn't even know yet that Edward's not human. So what's so strange about a normal human being asking you about the weather?

"Its the fluorescence"
Way to go, Edward. Amazing comeback.

During the Jeep incident, wasn't Bella supposed to get even a little hurt? I mean, in the book she wasn't completely unscathed. Then wtf happened?

Carlisle was supposed to be like REALLY good looking, right? Weren't all the nurses supposed to have a hard time concentrating on their job with him around? Peter Facinelli isn't really that good looking, I'm sorry.

"You can google it"
Uh oh. Another modern teenager movie? Really nice.

How can his mood swings give HER a whiplash? Does she even know what whiplash is?

Whatever happened to Bella being unwilling to share her theories about radioactive spiders, and Edward having to convince her? And doesn't EDWARD mention Kryptonite as a joke? WHY did they change the dialogs when the originals would have taken the same time to be said?!

Whoever Jacob's friend was .. Quil or Embry .. either. He looked like a old man. I know their growth rate is supposed to accelerate but that is just ridiculous.

Bella was supposed to FLIRT with Jacob to get him to tell her the Quileute story. Don't tell me THAT was flirting?!

Money - Sex - Money - Sex - Cat.
AGAIN. Totally irrelevant to the story and NOT funny.

So .. erm .. I'm confused. If Laurent was a vampire, wasn't he supposed to be fair and beautiful too? Why was he NOT fair then?

Edward sparkles in sunlight, right? So when Edward and Bella come to school that one time, why is he wearing dark glasses? Dark glasses are only worn in sunlight and he obviously can't go out in sunlight ..
Or, wait .. was he trying to be 'trendy'? Because he looked like an effing DONKEY with those glasses.

Ok, this isn't needed .. but Edward did look good in the scene when its raining :) *sigh* AND when Clair de Lune is playing .. and all the scenes during Bella's Lullaby were definitely cute. I would love to be able to climb a tree and go so high. Wow *sigh*

You better hold on tight SPIDER MONKEY?!
Now that was just SAD.

I ran out of patience to do the analysis of the entire film. I'll do it later.

Meanwhile, WHY does Isabella in the film always have to state the OBVIOUS?!?!?!

"You were gone"
YES, He KNOWS he was gone.

"You're eyes were black the last time I saw you and now they're like golden brown"
WOW. VERY observant of you.

"You stopped the van. You PUSHED it away with your hand"
I think he knows that :|

"Your hand is so cold"
LOL. I couldn't stop laughing at this line.

"You're impossibly fast and strong. You're skin is pale white and ice cold"
Edward ko toh ye sab pata hi nahi tha .. After being a vampire for almost a century, I'm sure he doesn't know all that about himself. Thank you for clearing that out.

"Its so wide and open, you know?"
Yes, Bells, it's EDWARD'S HOME. Surely he knows that.

~More Later
Signing Off
Mallika Priya Khullar

Friday, February 6, 2009

I have Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia !

Has anyone else noticed that the toughest words in the English dictionary usually have something to do with Phobias?


You have GOT to be kidding me !

OK it's official, I have a fear of the phobia list !

I never really thought about it, but now realise that this is something to think about: how many people really exist in this world .. and every single one [except maybe a VERY SMALL CREED OF PEOPLE] are afraid of something or the other, however courageous they might try to appear upfront [though, of course, courage is not not feeling afraid; courage is the power to overcome fear to work for something that needs done].

I mean, I was recently going through the list of fears and you wouldn't believe what all people can be afraid of ! Well, there's Panophobia, which is basically fear of everything.. turns out, there are also fears of birds, heavens, eyes, dreams, rain and sleep as well.

†So for future reference, here's a relatively short list of what I consider 'rational fears' =†

Acrophobia -
Fear of heights [one might accidentaly just fall over and DIE]

Achluophobia -
Fear of darkness [well, not exactly 'rational' .. but common anyway]

Agraphobia - Fear of sexual abuse [yes, this one is definitely rational]

Antlophobia - Fear of floods [ok, unless you're one of the animals on the ark or Noah himself, you should definitely be scared of floods]

Atychiphobia - Fear of failure [yes well, don't we all have the 'OMG I'm going to fail my Social Science exam' moments?]

Carcinophobia - Fear of cancer [hmm, cancer is DEFINITELY scary]

Catagelophobia - Fear of being ridiculed [yes, if you're changing schools/tuition/cities/countries .. or anything else, there always is this little fear]

Coimetrophobia - Fear of cemeteries [well, not exactly 'rational', but yes, common. "Look out! There's a skeleton behind you !]

Coprastasophobia - Fear of constipation [milk of magnesia, anyone?]

Defecaloesiophobia - Fear of painful bowels movements [ouch]

Dystychiphobia - Fear of accidents [somebody should go and watch the Family Guy movie, who knew one tiny accident could change so much?]

Enissophobia - Fear of having committed an unpardonable sin [I mention this because I myself am very scared of ever doing anything that would ruin my reputation for life]

Gerascophobia - Fear of growing old [reminds me of The Mirror by Sylvia Plath]

Lilapsophobia - Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes [refer to Anthlophobia]

Panthophobia - Fear of suffering and disease [well, self-explanatory]

Samhainophobia - Fear of Halloween [Well, India's perfect for them, isn't it?]

Selachophobia - Fear of sharks [ha, JAWS]

Thantophobia - Fear of death or dying [no comments here]

†And this is my list of fears that are nothing but plain hilarious =†

Aerophobia - Fear of swallowing air [aah, that is very interesting]

Arachibutyrophobia - Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth [Ok, this is simply classic]

Bogyphobia - Fear of the bogeyman ['He's in my cupboard!']

Caligynephobia - Fear of beautiful women [too seductive, you think?]

Coulrophobia - Fear of clowns [you know, clowns can be pretty scary =P]

Cyprinophobia - Fear of prostitutes [aww, the guys who have this will sure be taunted]

Ephebiphobia - Fear of teenagers [nice to know we scare some people!]

Ereuthrophobia - Fear of blushing [not ready to face the embarassment just yet?]

Erotophobia - Fear of sexual love [uh-huh]

Geliophobia - Fear of laughter ["No, don't tell me jokes! I'm afraid of laughing and hearing people laugh!"

Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia - Fear of the number 666 [funny, this]

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - Fear of long words [is this somebody's idea of a joke?]

Hominophobia - Fear of men [well, I am also afraid of men, some at least, including those dark strange ones walking on the road with their mouths full of tobacco]

Ithyphallophobia - Fear of seeing, thinking about or having an erect penis [at least you know these one's will never watch porn!]

Judeophobia - Fear of Jews [I'm sure Hitler secretly had a case of Judeophobia, because that would explain a lot]

Lachanophobia - Fear of vegetables ["Mom, I don't like the way that Zucchini's staring at me"]

Malaxophobia - Fear of foreplay [Hmm, suppose you call over your better half over and there's nobody else at home? Aah! Nightmare ;)]

Metrophobia - Fear of poetry [Well .. its hard to even imagine somebody being scared of poetry. Bored, yes.. but scared?]

Papaphobia - Fear of the Pope [HA!]

Parthenophobia - Fear of virgins or young girls [wow, impressive, this]

Pediophobia - Fear of dolls [refer to *Coulrophobia, you know there's a reason why horror movies have so many dolls lying around]

Pentheraphobia - Fear of one's mother-in-law [Go watch Monster in-law. That ought to give you an idea]

Peladophobia - Fear of bald people ["Oh no! You're BALD"]

Phobophobia - Fear of fear [whoa, leave this page right now!]

Teutophobia - Fear of German [Haha, refer to my earlier post]

So you see, fear is a really interesting concept once you start thinking about it. I'm sure as we move on in life, we'll come across many people who are afraid of things people wouldn't people was possible, for example wearing shoes, eating chocolate, fingernails.
Wow, it makes me so happy just thinking about people who would be afraid of the above mentioned. Can't wait to find a victim to try Scare Tactics on !

More Later.
Signing Off.
Mallika Priya Khullar

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Learning Another Language - Really Needed?

I have spent my entire childhood and youth in the same school. From the age of four, until now, I've been in Amity International School, Saket and I know for a fact that there can be no better school to tend to my needs and to help me in reaching my goals. Out of the many things I love about this institution [to be covered in another article] one of the things that I appreciate the most is the prevalent presence of neophilia. The students in our school are more than willing to learn new things, to really accept our school as a temple of learning.

One very fine example to quote at this point of time would be that of the choice of language that is to be decided by our students. Before the beginning of ninth grade, every pupil must decide which language they wish to continue learning in the next couple of years.
The choices offered are - German, French, Hindi and Sanskrit.

Amongst us students, Hindi is the most common language and English is not far behind. Most of us just learn a foreign language for the sake of it in School. So why do we even need to learn a foreign language [I don't have any comments about learning Sanskrit as a language]? As if any of us would ever need to actually speak German, French, Spanish, Russian or Japanese in our lives ..

People who wish to live their entire lives blind to the outside world, happy with their monotonous lives and mediocre jobs can continue to consider the learning of a foreign language as an added burden to their already pressurized lives. They can spend their entire lives building a happy little tent of oblivion and never feel the need to zoom the camera out and see the lie they call their life.

The fact of the matter is that our country is no longer cut off from the outside world. Globalisation is growing at a very fast pace. The world is no longer divided into multitudinous societies, but itself exists as one huge society. Overseas jobs are no longer available to only a few priveledged handful. Now, in such a world, is learning a foreign language really such an 'unnecesary burden'?

A large proportion of students, when asked, answered that they would pursue higher education in a different country, a few of them specifically mentioned Germany as an ideal choice. Yeah, as if pursuing higher education in a country like Germany can really be managed without a little prerequisite knowledge about their native language.

Therein lies the point I've trying to put through. Hopefully my job here is done.

More Later.
Signing Off.
Mallika Priya Khullar.

Just as an afterthought, my heartfelt gratitude to Goethe Institute for what they've been trying to do.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Poetry - A Child's Play?

Not really.

I've tried my hand at poetry, just as I've tried my hand at painting, playing basketball, writing, dancing etc.

However, I was a budding poetess when I was young, I can't say anything about now. Recently, about 4 months back, I won an award for poetry writing from school but the poem sounded, for want of a better word, gay. That was quite obvious actually, for I wrote the poem in approximately ten minutes. This implies that my poem would either have been too shabby for words, or too gay for words. As you read this poem, you'll realise that it belongs to the latter category much more than the former. [Taking inspiration from my fellow blog-writers, I've decided to put up some of the poems I've written, however silly they might be]

Here's Presenting: Nature, Our Perennial Source Of Inspiration [well, that was what the authorities told me to write on, anyway]

'Twas just yesterday,
I felt blue
My tear-bedimmed eyes peered out the window,
The foreboding feeling inside me grew;
I feared what the window would reveal, would show.

The fear was in vain, however,
The view had much to offer.
Nature and creatures, harmoniously living together
I wonder if it'd been this way forever.

I took out a pencil and attempted to draw.
My fingers attained a mind of their own
The end result was perfect, but one flaw:
The harmony in nature had not been shown.

I tried looking thru the window again,
This time with an open mind,
Taking in the wind, sunshine and the rain
I then realized, nature is divine.

There was much to learn from nature;
I'd been completely ignorant about this boon;
Never thought outside the box, never!
Not even outside my room.

Instilled with a feeling of intimacy
With nature and with everything around me
I realized that there was no conspiracy;
The feeling made me feel so free

And thus my once tear-bedimmed eyes
Were bloodshot and full of tears yet again.
I'd attained self-actualization and I realized
My life would never be the same.

More later.
Signing Off.
Mallika Priya Khullar.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Nickelodeon - Whatever happened to the good old days?

We began by watching shows on Cartoon Network. Many of us can still remember those continuous rumbling of Shaggy's stomach, constant laughing of Pebbles, and the barking of Courage. We grew to love Noddy and his nodding head [WHO knew that Enid Blyton created the first Noddy?], Tom and his uncountable tricks in attempts to lure Jerry out of his mouse hole, the Mayor of Townsville and his jar of candy, Popeye's overlarge muscles, and DiDi's overly curious nature. We still sing or simply hum the theme songs of various shows on Cartoon Network sometimes just because we can't think of anything else and sometimes because we feel like reliving our childhood.

But then came the revolutionary Nickelodeon. It released in the year 2001 and took our lives by storm. I had never before in my life seen something so enthralling and captivating as the shows on Nickelodeon. My parents would pull out their hair when they saw the amounts of hours I spent rooted in front of the television, my eyes glued to the TV screen.

The shows I loved the most on Nickelodeon include:

  • Figure It Out- This was a game showed hosted by Summer Sanders [I used to adore her when I was a kid]. Since it involved filling blanks and at the start of every episode, Summer Sanders would announce the number of blanks by saying something like "Blank blank blank blank blank" or "blank blank THE blank blank", the show came to be known as BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK in the household [yes, my folks used to watch it as well]. There would be three rounds to the game where the panelists [ four people who used to air on popular Nickelodeon shows played the game as panelists] would ask the contestant of the day yes-or-no questions [if they got a yes, they were allowed to ask another question.. this would go on till they got a no] in an attempt to guess his secret 'talent' [he might be able to do something special, might have won some competition, might have invented something etc]. Clues and SLIME were a common part of the game and it used to be LOVELY to watch the panelists perform the secret slime action [which would usually be something like, say the word 'like', or scratch their ear, or think about bananas.. or something along those lines]. So, anyway; if the panelist guessed a word of the contestant's 'talent' then a blank would overturn to reveal the word on something called 'Billy the Answer Head' which was where the blanks were located and were overturned. The show ends by the contestant revealing his 'talent' and showing it to everybody.. Grand prizes would be won by the contestant if the panelists aren't able to guess his talent by the end of the three rounds. Grand prizes included trips to Florida etc. *sigh*.

  • Rugrats - It is Nickelodeon's longest running show, and for good reason. Rugrats shows us the daily lives of - Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, Lil and Angelica - a group of toddlers. Tommy is the leader of the group. He is the son of Stu and Didi Pickels. He is the most adventurous of the group and often leads the way for the rest of his friends. Chuckie and him are inseparable and Chuckie admires Tommy for his courage. Chuckie is the eldest of all the Rugrats. He has BRIGHT RED hair, which I suspect is the leading factor of his irrational phobias. He's loyal to his friends and often overcomes his fears to come to the rescue of the others. Phil and Lil are twin brother and sisters that have absolutely everything in common. They both like mud, they both are identical, and love eating worms. However they argue a lot. Angelica, is not actually a part of this group, but Tommy's elder cousin. She is the cutest antagonist of all times. She's always bossing the babies around and is a spoilt brat. She turns on her charm and manipulates her dad into buying her anything she wants. Her daddy calls her, 'His Little Princess'. She was the eldest of the Rugrats and was the only one who could communicate with both the toddlers and the adults. Later versions of the shows also introduced new characters like Dil [Tommy's little brother], Susie [a neighbourhood friend who stops Angelica from tormenting the kids] and Kimi [Chuckie's step sister, who made her first appearance in the movie Rugrats in Paris].

  • Hey Arnold! - This was one cartoon I could completely relate to. It's about a young fourth grader kid - Arnold - and this group of friends and the various incidents that take place in their lives. Arnold is a sweet boy, always willing to lend a helping hand out to anyone who needs it. His room is the neatest room anybody can find in the whole of NY. His grandparents [who he is currently living with, as his parents died when Arnold was a young kid of three] are proprietors of their boarding house which is called Sunset Arms [this is a slightly unusual name, but I'm not complaining]. Arnold's best friend, Gerald, has the kind of hair every guy would dream of having in his childhood. It stays up without him having to apply gel every five minutes. Gerald is also the occasional voice of reason (just when Arnold needs it) and the teller of the schoolyard legends. One of Arnold's classmates is Helga, who is the person the story usually revolves around, though the story obviously concerns Arnold. She's the bully of the class and calls Arnold 'football head' though with good reason. She secretely has a HUGE crush on Arnold and that becomes the main cause for her bullying him. She doesn't want him, or anyone for that matter, to get to know about her crush. I could totally relate to this show as during the time of the show, I used to have the major hots for this guy. Since I was a kid, so I couldn't do anything about it at that time. I just used to bully him around just like Helga. But then I realised that that was a stupid idea, so I gave it up soon.

The above mentioned were my absolute favourite, but apart from these, there were so many shows I used to love watching. I wonder why I didn't manage to land myself with a pair of 'Brille'.

  • 100 Deeds for Eddie McDowd
  • As Told By Ginger
  • The Wild Thornberrys
  • Global Guts
  • CatDog
  • Legends of the Hidden Temple
  • Double Dare 2000
  • ChalkZone [It JUST ended on August 23rd in the States]
  • Aaahh!!! Real Monsters
  • Rocket Power
  • The Fairly Odd Parents
  • Blue's Clues [I have all the songs memorised .. !]
  • KaBlam!
  • All That [The Lori Beth and Danny Tamberelli era]
  • The Amanda Show

The current Nickelodeon is just distressing. Ninja Hattori? Perman? ARE THEY RETARDED ?!?!Sorry, I just get very sentimental when I compare the old Nickelodeon to the new ones. Drake and Josh, and Kenan & Kel - the shows I actually used to enjoy, either come late at night on weekdays or don't come at all.

Whatever happened to the old Nickelodeon? Why do Indians [sorry for generalising, but I don't quite know who to blame for this one] think that dubbing all shows and airing them in hindi is 'in' and is what the children of this country want?

    More later.
    Signing off.
    Mallika Priya Khullar.

    Saturday, August 23, 2008

    Friends - Has the Meaning Changed Over the Years?

    The meaning of the word 'friend' seems to have changed over these past few years.
    The word 'Friend' refers to someone who will welcome your company and show extreme loyalty towards you. They have your best interests at heart and desire what is best for you. A friend will try to best honest with you, for your own sake, but would never want to intentionally hurt you. Yes, being a good friend is not easy. You have to constantly make sacrifices, things cannot always go the way you want them too. You have to stand up for your friends under any circumstances, but point out their faults when you know that they are going the wrong way.
    Once again - being a good friend is not easy. Perhaps that is why today's youth have seemingly taken the reins of this world into their hands and feel that they can alter the established definition of the word friend. Now, I think, the word stands for a person who just hangs out with you but can turn their back towards you whenever they wish, for whatever reason they wish and in whichever manner they wish.

    Perhaps you can see I'm extremely infuriated at the moment. A person who I thought my friend has commited an atrocious deed. The worst part is that he was capable of doing something like this, only I didn't admit it to myself. Well, now, I'm paying for placing my trust in him.
    Anyway, I don't want to let this thought linger in my mind any longer. I wish to be free of it. To achieve that, I'm am going to .. 'kick his ass' tomorrow [please pardon the language, I'm in a foul mood and I need to take it out somewhere].

    Anyway, on a happier note, tomorrow is a very special day for me. Lets leave it at that for now. Anybody wishing to know the significance of tomorrow [wait, I think it's past 12.. So it should technically be 'today'] can contact me at [Repulsive, I know]. 28th of any month is a very special day for me and a few people around me. ♥

    That's all for now [this post was VERY random and I will edit it when I get the time].
    More later.
    Signing off.
    Mallika Priya Khullar

    Bachna Ae Haseeno - Worse Than OSO?

    -Contains Spoilers! Read at your own risk-

    Bachna Ae Haseeno, the much awaited Siddarth Anand film starring Ranbir Kapoor, Bipasha Basu, Minnisha Lamba and Deepika Padukone, proved to be almost as big a disappointment as Om Shanti Om [which was, sorry to say, absolute crap].

    Bollywood's latest heartthrob, Ranbir Kapoor plays 'Raj' in the film [is the film industry unimaginative in reality, or do they really like the names Raj and Rahul?], a boy-searching-for-love-turned-playboy, who breaks the hearts of two girls, before having his own torn and thrown away.

    The first half of the film shows Raj romancing with Mahi [Lamba] and breaking her heart. It then takes the viewers into the lives of Raj and Radhika [Basu] who are living together. Raj escapes marriage just in time, leaving Radhika and flying off to Australia on the day of the marriage. After that, Raj meets Gayatri [Padukone], who is a taxi driver NRI, and falls in love with her. He befriends her and learns that, like him, she does not believe in the institution of marriage. However he realizes that he is falling in love with her and finally proposes. Gayatri however, turns him down and walks out on him.

    The film takes a totally different turn in the second half where 'Raj' realises how badly it hurts when someone breaks your heart and leaves on a quest to apologize to Mahi and Radhika. Eventually, Gayatri changes her view on marriage and sends a lot of letters to Raj expressing her love for him. The movie ends, showing Ranbir and Gayatri happily together in an embrace.

    Giving Anand the credit of directing a film like Salaam Namaste which became the biggest hit of the year 2005, I am extremely shocked he would allow his standards to drop so drastically. I realise that Ta Ra Rum Pum wasn't such a big hit, but that doesn't give him the liberty to continue to direct such flop films. One would expect this movie to top the charts with the impressive cast. However, it didn't turn out quite that way.

    The only thing I can compliment the movie on is the music [with the exception of the song 'Lucky Boy']. Khuda Jaane is pretty much a sensible song. The lyrics are meaningful and the melody is impressive. The cinematography, however, was disappointing. If you notice, all Deepika is doing throughout the song is wearing beautiful dresses and twirling her hands. Rotating them, again and again. And again. And again. It is so pissing off would be an apt phrase here.

    And what's wrong with these people? Who on earth is the lyricist for 'Lucky Boy'? Oh yes, it was Anvita Dutt Guptan. Of course! He wrote the lyrics for the songs of Tashan! No wonder Lucky Boy had the misfortune of being born a pathetic song. It is self contradictory [Sort of like an oxy-moron]. The lyrics go somewhat like this:

    Lucky boy, you’re my, lucky boy
    Jaane kaun banega mera lucky boy
    If she already knows .. that 'YOU are my lucky boy' then WHY is she wondering 'kaun banega mera lucky boy'.. ?

    Its complete nonsense. Nowadays, the public gets caught on to anything with a catchy tune. For example Dard-e-disco [yes, from OSO]. The song is meaningless and purely STUPID, but who tells everyone that? When the movie came out, one could hear this stupid song being played EVERYWHERE. And so is the case with this so called song.. "Lucky Boy".

    One last thing I fail to understand is.. If Gayatri [Padukone] was so adamant on not getting married in the first place [she gave the reason that her husband would never let her live life so independently and drive a taxi at night or work as a shopkeeper in an unfamiliar country], then why did she change her mind all of a sudden? Nothing significant happened to actually prove to her that Ranbir would allow her to live her live independently. Infact, the reason why she turned his proposal down was that she considered him just like other men.

    The response towards the movie cannot be classified into 'good' or 'bad' for they are sort of mixed. However, a majority of the reviews are poor. So is mine. I personally think the film was a big disappointment and performed below expectations. This almost beats OSO, which needless to say, is my favourite movie of all time ;).

    More later.
    Signing off.
    Mallika Priya Khullar